Looking back I think Siri knew I was sister wife material. Driving along, not long after joining what David called ‘the iphone revolution’ I pushed the button and spoke into the headphones “Call my ...
sugar free nut bars + flying the nest
The Big Sister has been back at kindy for two whole days now. Normally you could count on me to pen a post about how I wept tears of relief when we arrived at the kindy gate fifteen minutes early on ...
beer brownies + the time bearhands kicked butt
Bearhands quit smoking when I was four months pregnant with the Big Sister. He'd always promised he'd be finished with the fags by the time we had a family, but I'll admit when he chose a pricey ...
leeds parkin + a load of crap
Bearhands can have really lousy timing. In one foul swoop (well, actually in lots of runs up and down the paddock) he’s has added a degree of difficulty to the school holidays: our entire farm is ...
crustless besan flour quiche + cadavers
I do my best work in the shower. I’m not sure what it is about being in a lather, but I have my best ideas there. I've practiced my married signature, named my children and written countless blog ...
bucking good lemonade scones + a yarn from the Muster
If you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll know that we headed to the Gympie Muster last weekend. If you don't subscribe to the newsletter, you should. click here. The Muster is a cracking ...