A few weeks ago, a mate shared an article titled "Put away the flags and enjoy your country on Australia Day" by a Colorado Poet Laureate David Mason. It wasn't a new article - The Age published it ...
Advancing Australian fare
Australia Day Pavlova
If you look back over history, Australia and New Zealand have been barneying over the patronage of food for a long time. Historians argue over who invented the lamington, Afghan biscuits and the ...
how to choose great strawberries
Di West has been farming since she was a foetus. She thinks strawberries are best enjoyed raw and her favourite variety is called Splendour. We sat down at her kitchen table on Saturday, and while ...
Australia Day Party
Australia Day was interesting one on the farm last year. The heavens opened on our parched farm. The dam went from a muddy puddle to overflowing in the space of eight hours. By the afternoon the ...
homemade tomato sauce
My brother Ant is marrying the beautiful Felicite in March. They’re childhood sweethearts who have stayed together despite distance, tragedy and my brother’s insistence on eating things he hunts. ...
photo bombs + Afghan biscuits
Bearhands and I honeymooned in the Northern Territory. When we returned from our break, I set about writing thank you notes to our 120+ guests. I included a photo from our wedding and a snap of us ...