I’m no girl scout, but I’m pretty sure that with a little forethought, Dorothy could have avoided a lot of unnecessary witch-melting (not to mention the inconvenience of walking all the way to Oz in heels).Storm season is coming to Queensland and given my flying monkey aversion, I’ve put together a storm kit – a box of things that we might need should we lose power for an extended period.
Storm Kit Essentials:
- portable radio
- torch
- spare batteries
- first aid kit (including any essential medications)
- matches
- candles
- copies of important documents in a waterproof bag (I’ve got copies of birth certificates, passports, our medicare and private health cards. If you have essential medications, I would also include a copy of your prescription.)
- waterproof bags
- UHT milk (I’d choose flying monkeys and melting witches over my monkeys and their melt-downs if the girls were without milk!)
- water (here on the farm no power = no water, so I’ve bought a large container of drinking water and I’ll fill the bath when I think a storm is getting serious).
Other things to consider including:
- gloves (for post-storm clean up)
- non-perishable food items (we could survive for weeks on the stuff I have stockpiled in the cupboard – any one would think I was a child of the depression)
- wine (kidding – kind of….)
What things do you consider essential?
What would you miss most if you were without power for a couple of days?
Wine would be essential! Great post, a simple yet useful kit you have put together. Team IBOT
that’s a brilliant list! thanks for sharing what’s in your box! I want to make an emergency box too just to be prepared ;p
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Thats a great Idea. I really should get one set up as well. I would also have things like spare dummy if your child takes them
A spare dummy is a good idea Salz. We’ve got so many floating around in the car – I’ll chuck one in the box & be on the safe side!
Oh this is one of those things I always think we should have but have never got around to doing. I think every house should have an emergency kit – I just imagine all those poor people without power or heating, hunkered down in that awful storm and I hope they at least thought to be prepared.
We’ve been looking for a new portable radio for our kit, but I haven’t got much else ready yet. Darwin doesn’t really have any dramas until about December.
I remember last year we had wine stocked up for our ‘cyclone party’ but that’s probably not the best idea. ๐
Essentials for us include bread and peanut butter. Will last a few days. ๐
Pleased I’m not alone in my assessment of ‘essentials’ Jess!
Great list. I wish I read this post before the January floods 2011
That was a very wet year! Hope you survived ok.
That’s awesome Amanda!
we also have a little solar charger for our mobile phones, when we lost power for three days a couple of years ago, we really missed our mobile phones.