If I wrote a list of all the things I’m wrong about we’d still be here next Tuesday, so in the interest of brevity I’ll limit this to things I discovered I was wrong about on Saturday morning.
Bearhands is always working on a project.
Normally the process goes something like this:
Bearhands: (enthusiastically) We should have a nine metre flagpole in the hedge garden.
Me: (skeptically) Really? Nine metres? What if it falls on the house?
Bearhands: (authoritatively) Great, it’s settled. I’ll get started straight away.
On Saturday, Bearhands unveiled his latest erection and it was indeed a NINE METRE flagpole. Furthermore, it looks wonderful and my concerns were unfounded. I was wrong. Nothing fell on the house and I realised that what Bearhands lacks in his sales pitch he makes up for in execution.
While the girls and Bearhands set about hoisting the flag, I stood back sipping my coffee, snapping a few photos and humming the words to Harvey Danger’s Flagpole Sitta.
…and when I feel a bit naughty
I run it up the flagpole and see who still looks, but no one ever does…
I’d never thought about the meaning of the song before, I’d just sung along, but watching my husband run something up the flagpole peaked my interest. What were they running up the flagpole? Was it naughty? Had people previously watched? Should I add this song to the others I no longer sing in front of the girls?
Curiosity got the better of me and I googled it. Wrong agin. Turns out the lyrics come from an American catchphrase which was popular in the fifties and sixties. The phrase was “Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes” and it means to tentatively present an idea and see whether it receives a favourable reception.
Ironic, no?
And that, my friends, is the brief history of me being wrong on Saturday morning.
Tune in for the next exciting episode, where I was wrong on Saturday afternoon
Just kidding, I’ve filled my wrongness quota for the week!
ever been misheard the lyrics of a song?
can you believe I chickened out of naming this post “Bearhands’ latest erection”?
That title would have raised a few eyebrows ๐ I always get lyrics wrong but I just sing along anyway. By the way – the flag looks great, sometimes it feels good to be wrong.
You definitely gone with the original title! Bearhands did a great job erecting the pole. What is next on the list? ……And don’t you know women are never wrong? Occasionally misinformed but never wrong ๐
Classic, love the way our men listen to us! x