Good Morning from Stanthorpe; where the weather is good, the people friendly, the food fabulous and the waistband of my jeans constricting! There are so many hidden gems in Southern Queensland country. I’m looking forward to telling you all about it (and getting stuck into a diet of celery and air) when we return.
Last week I sat down and wrote a post. When it was finished, it was so peculiar I couldn’t tell if it was merely quirky or plain odd. I sent it to blogging icon Mrs Woog at Woogsworld, and figured I’d let her decide.
Turns out she’s fan of fabricated historical accounts, and yesterday she ran my crummy tale as her Sunday Guest Post.
Crummy tale. Love it.
Hope you had an absolute ball and I can’t wait to read your posts upon your settling in back at home!
We did Renee, thank you. Now to turn the contents of my head and notebook into intelligible thoughts, eeeeeek!