It’s raining.
Not that will-the-storm-hit-us-or-pass-2ks-to-the-north kind of rain.
Not the we-got-11mms-overnight-so-we-don’t-have-to-irrigate-for-a-couple-of-days-but-the-dam-is-still-empty kind of rain.
Proper rain.
Email-from-the-Principal-asking-us-to-keep-the-children-home-from-school kind of rain.
What-time-will-the-creek-cut-the-roads? kind of rain.
How-many-days-worth-of-milk-before-we-start-drinking-the-terrible-powdered-stuff? kind of rain.*
School-holidays-have-started-unexpectedly-early kind of rain.
Dams-are-filling kind of rain.
Six-months-worth-of-farming kind of rain.
Long-games-of-UNO kind of rain.
Bearhands-is-wearing-a-goofy-smile-kind of rain.
Stand-outside-and-watch-it-with-wonder kind of rain.
It’s actually raining.
Proper raining.
Chill-the-champagne-tonight-we-party kind of rain!
what’s the weather like at your place?
* Apologies to my remote readers who drink powdered milk all the time…. but yuck!
Hooray for rain… I hope it hasn’t been so hard with you as to damage any crops. I know that the coast has been smashed in Queensland and in NSW.
Hope your dams are full and that the rain is a bit better over the winter for you guys.. and that a day off school was welcome and restoring.