My husband and I have discussed my wishes about organ donation, but my girls are too little to understand just yet. I’ve recently experienced bereavement myself. I know that it’s difficult to breathe much less make clear decisions, so I’ve written my girls a letter. If one day in the future they’re faced with the choice to donate my organs, they’ll know my wishes and hopefully the burden of the decision will be lifted from their shoulders.
My beautiful darlings,
Should there ever be a time when I must leave you, please believe that I will spend the rest of eternity watching over you both, but I won’t need my eyes to do so. Please give them to someone who needs them. Let someone else see their babies’ first steps and watch their graduations. Let my eyes mist over at the sight of their daughter on her wedding day; at the first glimpse of their grandchild.
Darlings, I hope against all hopes that you’re never in this position, but if one day you are, please know these are my wishes. Make this decision with clear heads and clear consciences. This is what I want.
Give it all away, and know that I will be both proud of you and grateful that you’ve honoured my request.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
I’ll be watching over you always.
Love Mum xx
February 24 to March 3 is Donate Life week. You can discover more from the Donate Life webpage and by becoming a fan of the Donate Life facebook page.
Having this blog gives me the luxury of writing a hypothetical letter to my girls for a day in the future that I hope never comes – motherhood makes you do funny things. If you’re a friend of mine, will please remember I’ve written this letter and point the girls in this direction should the time ever come?
This week we’re encouraged to discover, decide and discuss organ and tissue donation.
Please join us and make your wish count.
In April, FilmLife Project turned my words into this beautiful poster.
What a great idea Amanda! Our family has been personally touched by organ donations, & it’s something that is openly discussed at home. I hope the day never comes but I too would find comfort in knowing someone else has benefited from our loss.
Prue xx
Thanks Prue. It’s such an important message. x
What a lovely way to deal with a difficult subject. Well done Amanda you are an inspiration.
Sharon x
I think inspiration is a ridiculous overstatement, but I appreciate the comment. Thanks Sharon. x
Way to make me cry at work! We have all just recently had the conversation and I know my family and my girls would make me proud if anything should happen to me buy giving the gift of life to others.
I shed a few tears writing it too Marita. x
Lovely post! Good to write it down – at a difficult time, it’s one less thing to think about.
Thanks Lydia
I’ve thought about writing stuff on the blog for the children to read if I die. I think I will. I share your wishes about organ donations. I had a friend who died suddenly when we were 16, and she donated her organs. What a gift.
Okay Amanda. That’s it. I’ve lost it. Did you ever see the Will Smith movie “8 Pounds”? Oh my. A wonderful message. Thank you.
Anne xx
I haven’t Anne, should I? It is an important message, and I’m really pleased to see it getting the attention it deserves this week. 🙂
I come from a family that believes if you are dead you don’t need it. So I have always been down as an organ donor, its something I believe in 100% 🙂
It is so true we make our wishes known , we don’t need our organs when we die.
Just beautiful! 🙂 x
Thank you Jodi. x
It’s a conversation every family should have. Lovely post Amanda xxx
Annaleis – Blogs and PR Team Member
Thanks Annaleis. x
I love this post!
Thank you. x
Beautiful post. It is such an important subject and I really must remember to register myself.
Thanks Ann. It is an important issue. You can register on the Donate Life site – there’s a link in the post. x
So heartfelt darl, beautifully written about a subject some are still uncomfortable with.
Thanks Gemma.
Lovely post and a very important message to convey
Thank you Bree.
beautifully said! what a gorgeous letter, and what an honor to have a poster made from your words, too.
one of my closest friends worked in organ donations for a decade or so…. it was humbling to watch what his industry was able to do; it’s so very very important. my children are older, so this is an easier conversation now, but i’ve raised them to know that as a family unit, ‘we’ strongly believe in organ/tissue donation and research. i look forward to the day when this can be a more openly talked-about subject.