Once upon a time there was a girl named Amanda.
She lived on a farm with her husband and two daughters. She started writing recipes on the internet. Then one day a kindly mob included her on their list of Australia’s twenty-five food bloggers. Amanda though it was a mistake – so certain was she that they’re realise their error, she uncharacteristically booked herself a flight to Sydney for her moment in the sun. She took her Mum. They stayed in a fancy hotel near Sydney Harbour. They sipped sparkling wine at the top of a tall building.
Amanda made new friends and discovered other people who liked to talk about widgets and plugins. It was wonderful. The following morning, Amanda and her mother took a Sydney Harbour cruise. It was a truly perfect day.
When Amanda got home, she wrote a post about her trip. The kindly mob who’d included her on the list, liked it. Amanda won a $500 prize. Amanda spent the money on a ticket to a blogging conference. She made more new friends and spent even more time with people whose noses didn’t crinkle with distaste when they said the word blog.
Amanda was happy.
Years passed. Amanda kept writing recipes on the internet. She loved blogging. Then in June 2015 that kindly mob added Amanda to their Alumni. Amanda really couldn’t believe her luck. The kindly mob asked her a five tough questions and used the answers to add her name next to all of the bloggers she’d admired since the very beginning.
Amanda flew to Melbourne. She spent the weekend laughing with her (now) good friends. She ate grownup mac and cheese and even had the audacity to stand shakily on stage and teach other bloggers about some tips and tools she’d learned along the way. Then she got on a plane and flew back to her family and the farm.
Amanda was lucky and very happy.
Editors note: Being part of the Kidspot Voices program changed my blog. As a new blogger being included on that list in 2013 encouraged me to keep going. Without their faith in me I’m certain I would have believed all the critical things that I say to myself in the middle of the night and given up long ago.
You can check out my answers to their tough questions and meet the other Alumni members here.
On Saturday night they announced this year’s top 100 bloggers – click here to find some great new blogs to love.
I am thinking…. I love your story! And your adventures! You write beautifully and I enjoy your humour! No wonder you and Miss Chardy are friends!
Thanks Evie. She’s a cracker isn’t she?
It was so great to meet you on Saturday Amanda, and your preso has already helped me – I included a properly resized photo in a Facebook post yesterday and got about 10x more reach than usual! So thank you 🙂 (Rachel – Toilets aren’t for Turtles)
That’s awesome Rachel! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂
Love it! I was so surprised this year to even be nominated, I’ve only been doing this bloggy thing for 9 months. I love it. I hope that at some stage some “kindly mob” will have enough faith in me that I get to experience what you have. Well done on overcoming your nerves for your speech! I’m sure you did an amazing job!
You’ve achieved loads in just nine months – I’m sure you’re on lots of radars! xx
I love your story! And it does help when you are on the high of being in the top 100 but then not sure where or what may lie ahead. Lovely to read, love your blog!
Go you good thing. I knew I should have thrown on my glad rags for that event, just to come and say hello. Kidspot lists can certainly make a blog go high, but I am pretty sure you would have still kept being fabulous without the list inclusion. You cook and write, you’re fun and creative. Good eggs who keep going always get the rewards.
Such a fabulous achievement for a hard-working and clever blogger – I’m honoured to be one of your bloggy mates. x
Congratulations on your blogging achievements. They are well deserved. It was lovely to finally meet you.
I love a story with a happy ending, although I’m hoping this is the ultimate never ending (and very delicious) story. Wish I could have made it to Melbourne – would have totes loved to see you speak – but I’m saving myself for Problogger! Congrats on your Alumni awesomeness x
So lovely to read this and to meet you on Saturday. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. I really appreciated it. See you at PB! x
I love this story! I remember when Amanda first flew to Sydney. Meeting Amanda has helped my little blog heaps, so thank you Amanda xx
Well done Amanda, that’s a great story. Congratulations!!
Thanks Jacqui – it’s been fun!
What a lovely fairy story. I have a feeling it’s all true though. A very big congratulations