Ever wonder if your family is complete? Whether you could brave the sleepless nights that the varicose veins in your va-jayjay once more?
I’ve been thinking about new additions a lot lately (for the record, I’m blaming BabyMac).
In campgrounds across New Zealand we watched families jamming port-a-cots and prams into station wagons and smiled because we’re passed that now.
Each holiday our girls get more and more self-sufficient. They can put their shoes on themselves (sometimes even on the right feet) and I’m not ready to go back to those tiny little socks.
So imagine my joy yesterday morning when I learned that there would be new additions to the Smyth family. Yes additions, several hundred in fact.
We’re having TADPOLES!
The girls discovered the tadpoles in their blow up pool on Friday afternoon. This of course means that frogs shagged in their pool, but I’m trying not to dwell on that. I believe they are frog-poles and not toad-poles, so we spent yesterday morning rescuing our wriggly charges and transferring them into their new home.
There’s a idiom about impossible tasks that talks about trying to herd frogs. I reckon watching a few hundred tadpoles grow legs will be much easier than teaching the Little Sister to put her shoes on.
what have you been up to this weekend?
bahaha, you are a classic! All the best with your little squirmies!
Haha, Congratulations! It will be so much fun and such a good learning experience for your kids to see them grow and develop.
I love them. The best type of family additions. xx
Yes, we used to wonder if our family was complete with 2 children, and then absolutely decided it WAS and then the surprise package came along…..we wouldn’t be without him but I was in the light before that, on the verge of giving all baby goods away, the kids were self sufficient, no nappies etc, I was done….then BAM. Now, nearly 4 years later I am finally back in the light again….no more nappies, prams, port a cots, just the car seat, that is it. I am that excited.
Gosh, I was sure you were going to tell us you are pregnant Amanda….glad it is just the tadpoles!!! ha ha ha.
That is so adorable (this post didn’t get delivered to me over the weekend) I bet the girls LOVE the new additions to the family, and they’ll be a lot cheaper to care for!