Bearhands and I celebrated nine years of marriage last week.
There wasn’t much fan fare – a quick lunch before picking up a truck from the mechanic and the kids from school.
We’ve never really marked anniversaries. In our early years, our best attempts were thwarted. Recently I’ve come to the conclusion that we should really count farming years, because surviving those first two years on speaking terms deserves to be celebrated. As far as I’m concerned, they count like dog years toward our tally.
We did exchange gifts. I’ve read couples traditionally exchange willow, pottery and leather (!). But when you’re celebrating 23 years (that’s 2 x 7 for the initial two unmarried years + 9 ordinary married years) you exchange steel and paper.
I bought myself Bearhands gave me a new set of Baccarat knives that I’d been lusting for ages and came on sale a few weeks ago.
I gave Bearhands a Pop Portrait drawn by the very clever Marie O’Neill.
I think she got us spot on!
I’m willing to return to the traditional method of counting wedding years next year. I hear that’s diamonds!
how long have you been married?
do you celebrate with traditional gifts?
Warning – 10 years is diamonds or tin, apparently. Guess which I got for our anniversary this year……?!
Happy anniversary to you guys :-). xx
Hilarious! Please tell Martyn I got quite a laugh out of that! xx
Oh those knives, I’d be banned from those as I’m so clumsy in kitchen I’d lose a digit. We’re a low key anniversary celebration family here – but I do like the sound of diamond. Also I think surviving 3 kids in 3.5 also means I should double those years, to make it worth 7. By this logic our next anniversary I should be up for something pretty cool! xx
Preaching to the choir mate! You certainly deserve something cool. xx
Happy Anni! We try and celebrate with small gifts that are traditional or modern, next year will be number 10. Double digits calls for tin or diamonds, I know what I’d rather have. I love that Marie portrait, it’s the business! Enjoy the loveness, and those knives, happy chopping!
You’re not #teamtin Sammie? ?