We went to the 75th Maleny Show on Saturday, it was cause for great excitement in our household. Miss Three babbled excitedly all the way up the hill and it reminded me of how exciting things can be as a kid. I remember how difficult it was to get to sleep on the eve of a birthday party (anyones!) or a trip to the Exhibition.
Our trip to the Show was exciting for me too – I’d entered some of my handiwork (pickled onions, mustard pickles and a rug that I crocheted for the arrival of the Little Sister). I’ll admit that my excitement levels didn’t preclude sleep, but I have a teething ten-month old for that anyway!
Despite the inclement weather it was a beaut day. Miss Three had a ride of a gargantuan blow up slippery dip, fed the clowns some balls and marvelled at the flashing lights of side-show alley (while Mummy marvelled at the off-side depictions of women on some of the rides!)
There were two standout moments of our visit. The first being…… Miss Three milked a cow! We were lucky enough to catch the Nambour High School Cattle Show Team and their terrific milking display. Miss Three watched excitedly as they turned cream into butter with a churn, hooked up a milking machine to a cow and even allowed a line of very excited children milk a cow. Fantastic is not the word! The demonstration was entirely run by the students and they were so engaging. This is how to bring a little bit of country to the city! You can visit their website for more information – Nambour High School Cattle Show Team. I think they’re terrific ambassadors for the Year of the Farmer. The good news is, I understand that they’ll be performing their demonstration at The Dairy Farmer’s Milking Barn at The Ekka. Don’t miss it!
Now, I mentioned there were two standout moments. The second was grabbing victory in Section Q, Class 24 – Pickled Onions. That’s right folks, First Prize! My other two entries didn’t place, but I suspect that may be because there was no “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks” section for the crochet. Regardless, I’ve very chuffed with my win and I’m inspired to have another crack next year!
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