I have a list of things I want to do with the kids before they’re all grown up; a sand bucket list if you will. I’ve wanted to take the girls to Paradise Resort for a long while. A few months ago, I bought three nights as part of a Tourism Queensland sale.
The tagline for Paradise Resort is Heaven for kids, Paradise for parents and it’s not far from the truth. Here’s the lowdown on staying at Paradise Resort….
Things get added to our sand bucket list even faster than they’re ticked off these days, but a return to Paradise Resort is on the cards for our brood.
If you have any questions about our stay, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them.
do you have a sand bucket list?
have you been to Paradise Resort?
I LOVE how you have reviewed and made this flyer, it’s fabulous…and I’m glad that you have that one ticked off! x
Thanks mate. I’m planning on using it as a little review template for some of our other adventures. 🙂
I wish this place had been around when my lot were younger. Mr 6 would probably love it but the older two are probably a bit big for it now 🙁
PS. I love your design work – nice job!! Did you use photoshop or Canva?
Sounds fabulous! Love the way you presented the information. Thanks.