It’s week two of the great house-arrest school holidays of 2017.
To add an additional level of difficulty to the situation the farm paddocks were covered in a thick layer of chook poo on Friday, so the whole place is so stinky the kids don’t want to play outside (and I can’t really blame them).
Desperate times, my friends.
Desperate times and desperate measures.
Yesterday, the troops and I made sherbet. It’s a really easy recipe – just four ingredients, most of which you already have in your pantry.
If you want to draw out the fun (and add a bit of science to the equation) have the kids taste each of the ingredients first, guessing what the taste will be before they try it.
how to make sherbet
Yield 4 serves
Looking for something fun to do these school holidays? Sherbet is easy and fun to make. You probably have all the ingredients in your pantry already!
- 1 tsp baking soda (bicarb soda)
- 1 tsp citric acide
- 2 tbs icing sugar
- 3 tbs jelly crystals (you choose the flavour)
Mix the ingredients together and enjoy the fizzy goodness!
We have another week and a half of school holidays to go. I know many of you have just started this week – here’s a copy of my school holiday rules to print + stick on your fridge.
If you’re looking for more ways to entertain the kids, you might like to make damper on a stick, try some basic science experiments or make a snowman pizza.
are you off anywhere good these school holidays?
What a good mumma you are – my kids would kill for sherbet!
Desperate times mate!