Last month I discovered that the Big Sister can recite the Lord’s Prayer. I had no idea she could do it. When she finished I told her how fabulous I think it is that she’d learned such a long prayer. Then I asked her to do it again, just to be certain. The second time confirmed it. Her version goes
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be my name.
I started to think about the prayers I said as a kid. At school we said grace before lunch. At home we said grace before dinner. I figured it was time our girls started to say grace before dinner. I asked my lovely Facebook crew for suggestions, and they had loads of fabulous little versions of grace for kids.
Bearhand’s cousin Kelsey suggested a grace that their Uncle Noel, a retired Catholic priest, said before meals. It’s short and sweet – perfect for small hungry people.
Joanna and Sarah remembered the same grace.
Anna shared a this simple prayer: a perfect first grace for kids.
Ann said this grace before every school dinner at primary school in England. The moment she shared it I remembered it as the grace we’d said before lunch at St John Vianney’s in Brisbane!
I discovered this grace a few years ago in a cookbook I bought in Kingaroy. Lady Flo’s favourite grace has become my favourite too.
I was teary with pride the first time I heard the Big Sister recite the Lord’s Prayer. I felt the same way the first time we stood side by side at the dawn service and sang our national anthem together. A blubbing mummy isn’t the only thing those two events had in common, her version of Advance Australia Fair goes..
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,
Our home is good by sea.
As we sat down and I introduced the idea of saying Grace, the Big Sister surprised me once again. She’s been saying Grace with her class at kitchen garden and her version might be the best of the lot!
Two, four, six, eight – dig in don’t wait! (A favourite of my Mum’s for those “less formal occasions”…
We had the old ‘for what we are about to receive….’ one growing up as kids. It’s a lovely thing to do if your that way inclined. I hope it’s nice to be home! xx
Thanks for these and I love how you matched them to your gorgeous photos. These are an improvement our the “graces” out our place…Thank you God for this food, Amen.
We’ve never really done Grace before but I’m thinking I should start to adopt it. I like the last one best xx
Yep – we do before and after meals. The after is usually our family devotion time. It’s something that I have been brought up with and I’m so glad we continue to do it now. I think it’s important to remember where all our provisions come from and be thankful for that – especially for our kids in this materialistic society they are growing up in!
Love the photos!
Lovely ‘Graces’ – what a nice thing to reflect upon. I do remember the one ‘for what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful’ from my Catholic School days. I think it is always great to thank the cook and just to be grateful for the beautiful food we are lucky to have (and your pics look mouth-watering).