Was it possible? Could she have forgotten how to blog?
It’d been twelve days and she’d tried. She’d sat at the computer staring at a blank page and blinking cursor.
Mum? Can I have something to eat?
She got up and did something she did remember how to do. She played short-order cook to her babies. Could they possibly really be hungry again? She suspected they weren’t hungry, but in fact bored.
She’d done countless loads of washing and baskets of folding. She’s washed a disproportionate number of clothes for her little household. Tutus, so many togs. Work clothes, odd socks.
She sat back down at her desk and drew a blank again. Had too much festive fare and holiday cheer stupefied her?
It was hot. Maybe the still, clammy, energy sapping weather had rendered her incapable of thought. She didn’t feel creative. She felt like sitting in the worn brown armchair and scrolling through social media. Distracting herself with shiny holiday snaps and photos of cronuts. She’d still never eaten a cronut or anything else made by Adriano Zumbo for that matter.
Discipline. Blogging took discipline. She should get out of that chair right now, sit at that desk and not allow herself to leave until she’d written something. She’d always lacked discipline though. She was lazy by nature. Now she was stupefied and lazy.
The washing machine finished its cycle, she put her phone in her pocket and went in the direction of the laundry, picking up toys as she went.
I am quite sure that you are neither of those things, so this must be a blog post about a different girl. I am also sure white hot inspiration will hit soon. Whilst white hot perspiration is hitting here – so HUMID.
Ha, ha, You talking about Me! I hear you
I know how you feel. What is it with all the FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are writing about me too. Seems that you have a handle on many of us. Too humid to do anything unnecessary BUT … The washing (sweaty clothes) just is a necessity. Come February the topsy turvy season will be but a memory. Don’t be too hard on yourself dear lady.
I think you are writing for us all here. I’m really struggling to get my writer on. I used so many words on freelance work in the last few months of the year that I’ve run out! If you find any spare words floating around please send them my way 😉
Ha! Yep, I hear you on this one! I’m finding the transfer from head to keys difficult. The head is going great guns but the energy levels are not.