Did an Aerobics Oz-Style style work out with my friend Andrea. Laughed out loud when I mucked up my left and rights and was grateful no one was there to see. Decided our Mums were probably onto something: if you’re uncoordinated, exercising in your own home has its advantages. More cards and colouring in. Bearhands did groceries. Acquiesced to the girls’ unending requests to bake in the ...
Day 7 of Distanced Ed
School holidays started early today so a more relaxed feel at our place. Spent the morning making cards for family. The Little Sister “zoomed” (that’s a verb now) her class after lunch, then we left the farm for the first time in eight days - all the way to the post box, where we posted our letters “I didn’t even touch the box Mum!” and hightailed it home. First day of our new pocket ...
Day 6 of Distanced Ed
The Little Sister finished a beanie she started loom knitting on Tuesday. Then she was brave enough to get back on her motorbike for the first time since a big stack months ago. Another delicious lunch - making the most of the bread while it was fresh. Bearhands and I spent the afternoon getting a head start on tomorrow’s orders. Grateful to still be working, many of our friends aren’t so ...
Day 5 of Distanced Ed
Bit of work in the morning while the girls enjoyed one of the extra channels Foxtel has added to help families isolate. Then horror: we discovered that Benjamin the fish died. Cue tears and howling from the Little Sister. Great fucking timing Benjamin! Used the tea strainer to fish him out of the tank, small sacrifice seeing as though it’ll be a long time til I need to put a pot on. ...
Day 4 of Distanced Ed
The Little Sister did a video conference with her class, then I took the girls to school to collect the things they’ll need to start Term 2 from home. Think it started to sink in for them that this is not a quick fix situation. They acted out a bit in the afternoon. Big emotions for small people. The girls started some craft projects that will hopefully ward off boredom in the coming ...
Day 3 of Distanced Ed
Started this morning with an online yoga session with a dear friend. Found myself shedding a few quiet tears on my mat, so grateful to see her beautiful face and feel some calm amid our house of crazy. Was rushing the kids through breakfast and morning routine when Bearhands called to say there was a rainbow in the dew on the back paddock, so we high-tailed it out there to see. The Little ...