Realised at 2am that Bearhands wasn’t beside me, got up to investigate and found him asleep on the couch watching reruns of vintage golf. Neither of us was ready when his alarm went off early. He set about showering as loudly as physically possible and making such a mess of the floor that I did an impression of Torvill on my way to the toot. The Big Sister’s mood continues. At breakfast she ...
Day 42 of Distanced Ed
No one was pumped to head back to school after the long weekend. The Little Sister struggled to concentrate on her story writing. The Big Sister saved her attitude for her offline teacher and was perfectly perky in her online appearances. I got stuck into work in-between cajoling my students to complete their work. A check of my inbox revealed that the short cruise I had booked for June ...
Day 41 of Distanced Ed
Public holiday here in Queensland, which doesn’t mean much when you’re a farmer. Pulled a pair of jeans on and decided that Maccas probably did me a solid by short-delivering my burger yesterday. Bearhands and I harvested grass at our home farm in the morning. We were on our last pallets when a friend text me a screen shot of news that Queensland schools would be returning it’s youngest and ...
Day 40 of Distanced Ed
Woke early, packed up and headed home before breakfast. Encountered a mob of wild horses on the forestry track and thought again that Bearhands had been right about not driving home last night; only one of them seemed to be teaching her foal road sense. Returned to the farm and packed away the van. Received three messages from the Big Sister while I guided Bearhands into the parking spot a ...
Day 39 of Distanced Ed
Opened my eyes and immediately remembered we have three days off school! Made a coffee and discovered that when I’m not a schoolmarm I’m a forklift driver. Grabbed an apple and got in the cab. Bearhands and I worked until smoko, when the girls received a home donut delivery as a reward for their maths challenge. At lunchtime we loaded the caravan and drove to our friends’ farm. They’d ...
Day 38 of Distanced Ed
Thought I’d brighten my day and wear the opal earrings I bought when the Great Endeavour Rally went through Lightening Ridge. Headed out to the shed early to prepare a space for our newest team member - a young lady we’ve known since we moved to Glass House has found herself at a COVID loose-end and has agreed to come and run the office while I school the girls. She arrived at 7am and slipped ...