And just like that, somehow its May. The fifth month of this year already. The month I’ll get to meet my new niece/nephew, Ant & Flic’s baby. Making: the most out of our girls being little. Cooking: blender banana bread because brown bananas. again. Drinking: tea. Reading: Primary School Confidential. I can’t tell you how cool I feel reading a book written by friends! Wanting: ...
blender banana bread
If I had a dollar for every banana that went brown in my fruit bowl, I’d have enough money to travel back in time and help Tracey Chapman out of whatever financial difficulty she was facing when she sold her beautiful ballad to be turned into a bubblegum commercial. My girls are resolute in their rejection of ripe bananas. The very moment the spot to skin ration reaches 0.0002:1 they abjectly ...
see you later alligator {free printable}
Growing up, my Mum was the queen of prim and proper. We didn't say bum or fart or damn. Smut was not funny and swear words would earn you a cake of sunlight soap of afternoon tea. So you can imagine my surprise when the kids farewelled her one day with "see you later alligator" and she replied "don't forget your toilet paper". The next line was the kicker "at the zoo, ...
10 reasons why parenting is the hardest job I’ve ever had
This week I read a post that reminded me that not every post on this blog need be helpful. In fact, someone once described this blog as "the right kind of joyfully silly" and it was a badge I wore with pride. To that end, inspired by the madness that is the second week of school holidays, I present the ten reasons why parenting is the hardest job I've ever had. While I managed mine site ...
hot cross bun pudding
When it comes to hot cross buns, there are two types of people. You'll find the first group are those filling their trolleys with fruity baked goodness on Boxing Day. The others, who consider themselves puritans, are aghast that Woolies would sell them side by side with reduced-for-sale Christmas puddings and refuse to be part of the commercialisation of Easter until closer to the time. Myself? ...
homemade coleslaw
I grew up thinking I didn't like coleslaw (and boys). It turns out I like both. I just don't like low quality versions of either. I'm still not a fan of boorish blokes or that terrible prepackaged stuff masquerading as coleslaw that comes out of a tub at the supermarket deli counter. Proper, homemade coleslaw is a bird of an entirely different feather. Since I discovered how easy it is to make, ...