And just like that it's school holidays! I don't mind telling you folks, that I had a bunch of things lined up for my last pre-holiday child-free days. The last days of school were cancelled, the Principal deciding it was best for staff and students to stay safely at home with their families. Of course as Murphy's Law would predict yesterday is a brilliant blue sky, sun shiney day. I'm not ...
rain day
It's raining. Not that will-the-storm-hit-us-or-pass-2ks-to-the-north kind of rain. Not the we-got-11mms-overnight-so-we-don't-have-to-irrigate-for-a-couple-of-days-but-the-dam-is-still-empty kind of rain. Proper rain. Email-from-the-Principal-asking-us-to-keep-the-children-home-from-school kind of rain. What-time-will-the-creek-cut-the-roads? kind of ...
easy honey soy marinade
Kids love honey soy marinade. It's as timeless as their love for leaving lego on the floor and making fart sounds with their armpits. The great thing about this honey soy marinade recipe is that it's super easy to make with ingredients you probably already have in the pantry. Store bought marinade is expensive and comes with a bunch of preservatives thrown into the mix to extend it's shelf ...
roasted nectarine and ginger syrup cheesecake
I had horrendous morning sickness with both our girls. They're July babies, so the worst of my morning sickness vomiting at all times of the day happened in summer. Foods I normally love were, all of a sudden, repulsive. The normally delicious diverse smells of restaurants had me seeking out the toilet before we were even seated. Pork was the worst. I remember spending a night at the German ...
how to make taco seasoning
The Big Sister cannot stand the taste of vegemite. The Little Sister won't eat peanut butter. Finding a meal that they both like is like getting 4 numbers and a sup on your Saturday night lotto ticket; its not life changing but it certainly makes things easier. One of the things I've noticed about feeding my family is that the kids are always more likely to enjoy something they've had a ...
the great grass gamble
IT'S HARVESTER DAY!!! Can you tell I'm a bit excited? Our new (to us) automatic harvester arrives today. This beautiful bit of miraculous mechanics will mean Bearhands can harvest turf all by himself. No one folding. No one stacking. Just a bloke in a machine pressing buttons and making perfect little stacks of turf pop off the back. How I wish I could tap my pregnant self, standing on ...