Kids took a little longer to get through their school work today. Morning tea somehow morphed into lunch. The Little Sister had a zoom meeting with her class which inspired me to do the same with some mates over a glass of wine. We started some home economics using our first delivery from one of those “here’s everything, you cook it” services. Life lesson #2: when life gives you rock hard ...
Day 1 of Distanced Ed
Day 1 of Distanced Ed: the girls got their school work done in the morning. We had lunch then headed down the creek to pull the pots in.We spotted and identified sea birds, Bearhands let the Little Sister steer the tinny. I got mucky pulling the pots. Then we harvested some grass; Bearhands had the Little Sister in the airconditioned cab of the harvester while I got rained on in the ...
You picked a fine time to leave me
I never met Kenny Rogers, but it wasn't for lack of trying.Long before I was a fan of his music, Kenny was part of my life. Growing up Dad was a long-haul pilot and as luck would have it things always went awry while he was away. Irrigators would break, cows would have difficulty calving, my brothers would get asthma, and Mum would be left to deal with the mess all on her own. Phones weren't what ...
It took a global pandemic but here I am back at the keyboard, blogging about little things, funny stuff and farm life in the hope that others might enjoy a little break from the sobering realities of current events. The farm house became home to an eclectic school on fish on Monday afternoon. The tank that had laid empty since Emma's move to the dam was scrubbed clean and filled over the weekend ...
Moroccan Snapper with Pistachio Rice
Good things are normally described as "the best thing since sliced bread" but truly great things should be described as "the best thing since sliced cheese" because that stuff is a serious time saver in our house. When I first started making this recipe, it was a labour of love. I remember sitting at the kitchen table for hours shelling the pistachios. My fingers were raw afterwards. Fast ...
how to beer batter fish
Many people make a list of forty things to do before they turn forty. I've chosen to focus on just two. I'm going to catch two more big fish before I turn the big 4 0 next year. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amanda Smyth (@cookerandalooker) on Nov 12, 2018 at 1:02pm PST Regular ...