I’ve been hit with the flu this week. I haven’t felt this sick since I can remember.
Wednesday morning saw me heading off to the Doctor, eyes streaming in the sunshine and wobbling on unsteady legs. And then she prescribed me the miracle that is Tamiflu. I am so in love with this drug (and my subsequent rapid recovery) that I have penned a haiku in its honour.
Winter, cold season
Feel wrung out like a dish rag
An aeroplane lands.
Really? …
Did an aeroplane just land in the back paddock? …
Is there gin in this water bottle? …
Maybe I should have read the information about side effects …
No. A plane really did just land in the back paddock.
Walk blinking to car, drive to the back paddock.
Discover that there is not only a plane in our paddock, but Maggie the flying dog!
I should seriously read that drug information leaflet!
Our friend Kevin and his lovely co-pilot Maggie popped in to say hello. As you do. On a Wednesday. When you’re a flying dog.
It was a lovely surprise and I’m sure it was the turning point of my recovery. That and the course of Tamiflu I’d commenced an hour before their arrival!
The Big Sister wasn’t surprised. She’s come to expect these kind of random visits!
I’m on the mend now but I’ve got to say, five days without coffee or alcohol has made me realise why Nuns spend so much time in quiet contemplation – its because they don’t have the energy to do much else!
Did anything unexpected happen to you this week?
Glad it brightened up your day, woof!
Not only can you fly, you can type?
Stuff Charlie, Maggie you are the Wonderdog! *sings* We love you!
And I have 1,728 facebook friends!
Hi, this is Maggie the flying dogs mother! Am so glad Maggie and Kevin brightened your day, I wish I could have been with them, but I had to go to work to keep the flying dog in dog biscuits!!!! Am looking forward to meeting you next week.
Hi Sharon, any mother who can raise a flying Wonderdog with 1,728 facebook friends is pretty cool in my book! I’m so pleased you’re coming. Look forward to meeting you next week.