I finished the magazine today. Flossie’s off being beautified, which means it’s already in much better nick than it’s author.
Truth be told, I’ve not only been neglecting my appearance. Emails remain unanswered. Tumbleweeds roll through the blog. The summit of Mount Washmore seems further away than ever before. Candy remains uncrushed. Carrie remains locked in the nuthouse.
Ever wonder how a farmer with zero training and the cheapest DSLR available takes photos for a magazine?
On the floor. In the dining room. Next to the window. On a bedsheet.
Finishing the magazine coincides with the end of the period in which one would reasonably expect their daughter to expel the decorative stone she swallowed at kindy. So I’ll be taking a break from proof-reading to talk poo with the Doctor tomorrow morning.
The silver lining to having finished the December/January edition is we’re enjoying Christmas baking in November and Bearhands can go back to eating things in the kitchen without checking with me first.

how have you been?
do you watch Homeland?
Yay so exciting. Now go practice one self care lol yes I watch homeland. Am a few episodes behind since I wait for hubby to return from sydney AND be up for watching xx
I’m too selfish to watch it with Bearhands Deb. He’s never watched any of it and I don’t want to miss bits trying to catch him up now!
I don’t want Brook to watch it because he might interrupt my shameless ogling of Damian Lewis / Agent Brodie. Not that there’s been much of that so far this season!
How fabulous that you are finished. Cant wait to read it. PS I love your photography studio – looks like mine
Great minds Annaleis! 🙂
SO exciting! Now go have a long bath and a glass of wine 🙂
Didn’t manage the bath, but had a few too many wjnes with my mum last night. Am I the only person who’s parents are a bad influence?
So proud of you. It’s a huge undertaking and you just got on and did it. Respect! Good luck with the poo talk tomorrow. Normally I love a bit of poo talk (it’s just really funny), but I suspect this will be a little more serious…… xo
Thanks Jay! x
How slow am I? I never thought of using a bedsheet!! Can’t wait for your first edition. So exciting for you x
Bed sheet or sheet of white cardboard, both have worked well Lisa.
If I’ve got loads of time (which of course is never) I even iron the sheet!
Nice work!! So excited for you & can just imagine how intense it has been. Huge kudos to you for seeing it through – you rock!!
All the best with the poo issue … Had a similar experience with a swallowed marble here. Ah, the joys!! xx
What was the marble outcome Jodie? No sign of our rock on the X-ray, but there’s a chance that this kind of ‘rock’ wouldn’t show on an X-ray. The joys!
My question is… Are you having a “launch” event for Flossie once she goes live? Because I think you should. I’m happy to buy my own drinks – just pick a venue and I’ll be there to toast your awesome achievement xx
Thanks gorgeous. I’ll keep you posted if it happens. x
Looking forward to Flossie but no, I don’t watch Homeland…
I reckon you steal every spare second you can get and pop your feet up. Big things are coming.. 🙂
Hopefully that ‘big thing’ is the rock Robomum! 🙂
Well done! And I love your studio. It looks like my “sewing room” (kitchen table, vying for space with mail, unfold washing and two cats who appear to be constantly starving to death). I don’t watch Homeland… yet. But its cued up on the telly hard drive just waiting for that raining afternoon when I need something to watch while finishing the quilt I made for a friend’s daughter… or when my 24/7 morning sickness incapacitates me again and I need a date with the couch.
Ugh. Morning sickness sucks. Hope you’re feeling better soon. x
Whoop whoop!!! I had noticed all quiet on the C&L front – but for an amazing cause. I’m UBER excited about it lovely… I’ll do all in my power to promote it to everyone I know. Used to watch Homeland, then starting spending too much time blogging and it fell to the wayside, I did love the first season though xx
Thanks lovely. I really appreciate the support. x
Congrats! and good luck with the launch! I have a similar studio set up, and I use a door from bunnings as a backdrop 😉
Thanks Christina, I’m investigating some alternatives – I’ll add a door to my list.