The Big Sister’s middle name is Therese. We chose this name as a dedication to my Nanny. St Therese was her favourite saint. Nanny was fond of Saint Therese because she placed her emphasis on great love rather than great deeds. St Therese wasn’t beheaded or burned at the stake. She died quietly of tuberculosis at just 24 years of age. I suspect Nanny knew what she was doing when she counselled me to choose Therese as my confirmation name – even in Year 7, it was becoming obvious that I lacked the dedication required for martyrdom. Luckily, I am capable of great (intentioned) love.
Nanny valued education, perhaps because she’d fought so hard to obtain one. During her childhood, school was considered wasted on girls; whom were better spent staying at home to sew, cook and procreate. Despite her family’s very modest means, Nanny completed her junior certificate by winning a scholarship. When I graduated high school and went onto university, Nanny was my biggest supporter and fan. She was proud as punch when she accompanied Mum and Dad to my graduation

The University of Queensland in 1998.
Nanny’s secret exam weapon was a little prayer to St Therese, who is known as the Little Flower. .
Little Flower in this hour, show thy power.
It served me well when I was studying and still comes in handy now when I’m too overwhelmed to construct a prayer or need a calming mantra because I’m nervous as hell about doing my first radio interview.
Today and Tomorrow Year 12 students all over the state are sitting the Queensland Core Skills test. I’m thinking of them all today, but two special girls in particular. I’ve constructed a little exam care package for Day Two of QCS, which is coincidentally Emily’s seventeenth birthday.
The exam care package includes some sugar-free nut bars for a lunchtime snack. The protein in the nuts will provide sustained energy and assist concentration. If they eat these (and swerve the timtams) they’ll avoid a sugar crash an hour into the afternoon session. I’ve also included a little aromatherapy bouquet of rosemary and lemon myrtle. The lemon scent will assist them to stay focussed and alert. The rosemary should help their memories and concentration.
To all of the Year Twelves arriving home from their first day of testing;
forget the trials of today, get an early night, swerve the tim tams at lunch tomorrow and if you find yourselves getting flustered, give St Therese a shout. I wish you the very best for these important couple of days, but please remember there will be plenty more important days. I doubt these will even rate a mention. Try your hardest and try not to worry.
did you sit the QCS?
what’s your secret exam weapon?
I love this care package Amanda! So much better than the coke & lifesavers I used to take with me to exams!!
Such a great little mantra & sentiment that goes with it too. So nice when we eventually see the wisdom of those who love us most!! 🙂
Fingers crossed it does the job for them Jodie!
What a sweetheart you are hun – and that photo of you and your nanny is lovely! We used to give each other grass to pass and no, not that sort of grass, the green stuff the lawns are made out of!! 🙂 xx
Well there’s no shortage of grass around here Em. Next time!
aww what a great idea! And your Nanny sounds like an absolute treasure 🙂
She was Lisa. She was fixing our crosswords right up until she got sick. 🙂
Those care packages are awesome!! I love that little prayer too – I think I might adopt it. My nanny was a huge fan of St Christopher and even now I have one in my car for safe travels xx
St Anthony is also busy around here Mrs D. Probably because we lose so many things due to my lousy housekeeping!
I need a recipe for those delicious looking sugar-free bars, Amanda! Stat! x
I’ll let you know when I post them Bron! x
Very nice & encouraging! Thanks for sharing at my Pin Me Linky Party!
Thanks for hosting Diana.
Love the care package. I didn’t sit that exam but sat plenty others… never again!! A BIG breakfast is definitely vital, and the thought of the relief of the end always got me through.