So recently I came across an article about Elle Macpherson’s tips for looking fabulous at fifty. And let’s face it, she’s a quality quinquagenarian!
Super greens… After super swim. ?
— Elle Macpherson (@ellemacpherson) July 15, 2014
I suspect that to look like Elle Macpherson at fifty I probably have to be have been Elle Macpherson at birth, but her other tip was water. Elle suggests drinking three litres of water a day. 3L sounds like a small price to pay to be the body, so I’ve been giving it a red hot go.
By my second litre I’m looking for a little bit of flavour, so I’ve been adding a dash of this easy ginger syrup to my soda water to add a bit of interest.
easy ginger syrup
125g fresh ginger
200g sugar
500ml water
Don’t bother peeling the ginger, just chop it into fine pieces. Then in a small saucepan combine the sugar, water and ginger pieces.
Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Allow to cool, then pour through a sieve to remove the pieces.
Enjoy mixed with soda water (or as a delicious base for ginger flavoured cocktails if being a supermodel isn’t on your list of things to do for the evening).
Elle also suggests sunscreen, sleep and exercise. I’m committing to the water, the sunscreen and the sleep. I figure that’ll guarantee I’m 75% as hawt as Elle in 13 years.
Finally I can write my comment! Who needs to have ‘the body’ when you can have the entire package plus a killer smile and heart of pure gold! xxxxx