Everyone I know has a secret talent; something they’re insanely good at that isn’t instantly evident.
My friend Dean is an expert boat driver. Watching him handle a tinny is a joy. It’s like the boat is a 12″ aluminium extension of himself.
Bearhands’ mental maths is killer. He calculates things in his melon that I wouldn’t even think about thinking about.
My best mate is a reptile guru. She was the first person in the world to breed Canopy Goannas.
The blokes who’ve come to work with us on the farm each have their own special talents. We’re lucky to have found fellows who know their grease nipples from their PTOs. It pays to keep talented blokes happy, so this week I whipped up some cheese biscuits for post-work snack. They’re ridonkulously easy.
easy cheese biscuits
125 g plain flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp dry mustard
squeeze lemon juice
60g butter, cubed
60g grated cheese, tasty or cheddar
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp water
1/3 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
Combine flour, baking powered, salt, cayenne pepper and mustard in a food processor. Add the butter and process until the mix forms a breadcrumb-like consistency.
Add the cheese and process to combine. Beat the egg yolk, lemon juice, and water and add to the processor bowl. Process until the mix is a stiff dough.
Roll out thinly. Cut into small rounds. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve to blokes with beer.
Last year I asked my lovely readers to help me by answering ten questions. In reward, I said I would choose a survey participant at random to win a personally designed biscuit recipe.
Congratulations RJR. You’re the winner!
But we’re not over yet. To help me choose the perfect biscuit for you, I have ten more questions:
tea or coffee?
sunrise or sunset?
country or city?
chocolate or strawberry?
winter or summer?
finding memo or shrek?
labels or no frills?
bath or shower?
apples or oranges?
do you have a hidden talent?
I can hear an irrigation pump shift tone in the middle of the night.
full house or family matters?
Family Matters for sure!
I hope you didn’t serve them that nice cool beverage as well, looks so nice I want to jump in it. It’s been threatening rain all week and SO humid. I’m so grateful for ducted AC. A small pleasure in life.
Wow- lucky me!!
I’m a semi driver by day so most people wouldn’t guess my hidden talent. I love to crochet and baby blankets flow from my fingers.
The answers are:
Sunset (over the ocean here so it’s just magical)
Chocolate all the way
Summer ( although a month of over 40 degrees makes me question my choice)
Finding Nemo
No frills
I grew up in tv free house so I’ve never seen either!!
Hi Rach, glad you found this post. I used to work on an island in the Whitsundays and I agree – the sun setting over the ocean is something else entirely.
I’ll put my thinking cap on this weekend and see what I come up with. Will also investigate how long the post would likely take to make it to you. xx
um… Yum! 🙂
They’re so easy Sarah. I’ll think twice before buying savoury biscuits anytime soon.
Want wine, want cheese, want wine and cheese, want cheese and biscuits, want wine and cheese biscuits. Now.
tea or coffee? tea
sunrise or sunset? sunrise
country or city? split 50/50
chocolate or strawberry? chocolate
winter or summer? summer
finding memo or shrek? Beauty and the Beast
labels or no frills? labels
bath or shower? bath
apples or oranges? neither. but apples if you’re holding a gun to my head.
I’d have picked you for a winter girl Stacey – you’ve got that Snow White look going on.
Hope you’re enjoying Melbourne. Am loving your Problogger posts. xx
Gosh, really? I’m rather surprised by that. I am an avowed sun-worshiper, I thought my almost-shamefully dark tan and weatherbeaten face were a dead giveaway! I often joke I’m a reptile, my cold blood needs the warm sun to survive. I’m deathly afraid of winter (and I hate snow!), so I’ve been banging on for months about how terrified I am of Melbourne winter. I don’t even own a coat! You don’t know a good place to buy a coat, do you?!