Some Mondays are better than others.
I hadn’t even made it out of bed this morning when I knew which kind of Monday this would be. While I cuddled both girls in bed, The Big Sister out of the blue asked “Mummy, why are penises stripey?” and I knew immediately that this was one-of-those-Mondays.
The house needs, well, work. Lots and lots of house work and I have absolutely no inclination to do it today.
So, what does any self-respecting mummy do when she’s looking to avoid life – she browses Pinterest.
Have you seen this pin? The one that suggests you can make a whole-face pore strip with household ingredients? If you haven’t you’re one of the few – it has been repinned literally thousands of times.
The recipe is simple – one teaspoon gelatine, one teaspoon milk, warmed in the microwave for 10 seconds and smothered on your face.
I have gelatine, I have milk and goodness knows I’ve got time, plus I love pore strips so I decided to give it a burl.
DIY Pore Strips (via
1 tsp milk
1 tsp powdered gelatine
Combine both ingredients in a disposable container. Microwave for 10 seconds.
Apply to your face. (The recipe cautions you to check the temperature of the goo before smothering your moosh with it.)
Allow to dry (about ten minutes). Then peel away from your face – taking blackheads and impurities with it.
Easy enough to make. A little bit smelly, but nothing a professional nappy-changer couldn’t face. (pun intended)
Smoothed on easily enough…
The Little Sister amused herself while Mummy took selfies of her gooey face.
Then the moment of truth ….
And the truth is it bl8*dy hurt!
Spare me the “price of beauty”, Pinterest – “cheap is not always cheerful” – next time I’ll apply duct tape to my face and peel it off very slowly. I suspect it’ll have the same result.
So, I learned a few things today…
- it’s not necessary to try everything I pin on Pinterest
- I have fine and very sensitive hairs on my top lip
- gelatine is particularly odoriferous when warmed and applied directly under the nose
- pore strips are a bargain, and
- penises have stripes.
Haaaaa! I needed a laugh today. Thanks xo
can’t help but notice that you *haven’t* explained the stripey-penis part yet…. bah hahaha.
thanks for taking one for the beauty-addict team. xoxo, buf
I live to serve Buf!