Ever get the feeling the universe is trying to tell you something?
A few weeks ago, while Bearhands was overseas, I settled into watch Dirty Dancing.
It was just getting to the climax when Foxtel put Baby in a corner.
The recording finished just as Johnny was sorry to interrupt (but he always does the last dance of the season).

Since then, the universe seems to be trying to fill my lift-sized void. Dirty Dancing is popping up everywhere.
Bearhands and the Little Sister had the time of their lives in the front paddock on Saturday afternoon.
Last night the Big Sister asked me what I was afraid of and I couldn’t help but tell her:
“Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.”
(She looked at me blankly and went back to her room.)
This morning Em from Have a Laugh on Me shared this video from the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
(fast forward to 8.23 minutes if you’re in a hurry – you don’t want to miss the surprise cameo!)
Dear Universe, thank you for filling the life-sized void that poor television scheduling caused in my life. You’re a good egg.
Sincerely, Amanda
Now that is quite uncanny! And isn’t the world a funny place, it has a way of putting things right, most of the time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that video of Bearhands and Little Sister, so adorable. xxx
I’m loving the slowmo on my new phone Em.
P.S. Drew Barrymore doing the lift was the icing on the cake!
I love that movie!!! I watched it not too long ago xx I don’t know it by heart, but I know the songs. I searched for the lyrics in a world where Internet didn’t exist yet. That tells you how committed I was 🙂 Ok, the lyrics might have come with the tape…
Remember trying to fold the lyrics flat again to get them to fit back into the tape case Sandra? Impossible!
That movie. As kids growing up with the luxury of a farm with dams and swimming holes, my best friend and I spent days. DAYS. trying to get a lift just right. We never managed it, both of us being 13 and not having the power. But we did get outfits with cheesecloth and high waisted shorts. Good times.
I can picture you Claire!
I absolutely loved that cameo! The video you made is gorgeous. Something for them to both treasure and maybe something to bring out at her 21st!
Oh my god that tonight show video is just GOLD. Hilarious!! Love the little sisters one too – super cute xx (P.S. This is one of the reasons I hate Foxtel!!!) xxx