I’ve been a member of Digital Parents for a while. Long before the inception of Cooker and a Looker, I wrote a blog to share updates from the farm and photos of our (then) only daugther, the Big Sister. Not willing to reveal my real-life identity, I called myself Glasshouse Girl.
Years later, faced with an extraordinarily sad time in our lives, Bearhands encouraged me to focus on my love of food. Using knowledge learned from Digital Parents forums, I started writing Cooker and a Looker. Seeing that bloggers were real people, who weren’t afraid to ‘out themselves’ on the internet, I put a name and a face to my new blog. So you can see, Digital Parents has a lot to answer for!
This month I’m the proud host of the Digital Parents Blog Carnival, a place where members of Digital Parents share the post they’re most proud of from the previous month.
This month’s selection are a collection of some great posts; I hope you enjoy them.
Barbie Bieber and Beyond – Raising Girls shared How To Tell If Your Daughter is A Mean Girl
We hear a lot about bullying at the moment, in particular the stories of those being bullied. However would you be able to tell if your daughter was the one actually doing the bullying? Is your daughter a “Mean Girl”?
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10% Inspired shared Organization and Procrastination
Following the rules laid out on the internet for success can be a total bust. My advice, do what works!
Find Cassandra on twitter and facebook
Gluten Free Hart shared Chicken and Leek Pie
Winter Warmers. Gluten Free Chicken and Leek Pie with a real pastry top.
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Kid Bucket List shared Travelling With Kids : Surviving Plane Travel The Easy Way
With over 20 flights under our belt, our adventures have been from kid induced drama. Want to know our secret?
Find Leah on facebook
Cook Clean Craft shared Sweet Potato Pasta with Salami and Kale
Turn a sweet potato into healthy spaghetti, and fry it up with some salami and kale. A fun and healthy dinner.
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MummyManifesto shared The Battle between Mindset and Failure
My post is about reframing the word failure and what it actually means to us on a personal level for us to move forward.
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Melbourne Mum shared An Open Letter to Clare Bowditch
It shouldn’t be the case that a stranger speaks a truth that crystallises the things that you know deep down, but that is exactly what happened to me last August.
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Kylie Purtell – A Study in Contradictions shared Interview with a Husband
What do you do when you’re stuck for something to write about? You put your husband on the spot and interview him! Feel free to join in and interview your significant other!
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From Katie to Kate shared If not you, me
This post is written, not just for those in “The Class of 89”, but for those who I knew to be bullied, or teased, or left out throughout my school life, and throughout my work life, as well.
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The Multitasking Mummy shared Why It’s Good To Be A Crazy Mummy
Life is hectic and it can be so easy to be grumpy, tired and stressed. This post explains why it’s good to be crazy every now and then, not just for you, but your kids too!
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New Day New Lesson shared It’s All In The Eyes
As an oncology nurse, I’ve learned to look at my patients eyes’, not just listen to their words. Words can lie, eyes can’t. That’s what I wrote about, prompted by a discussion with my daughter.
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The Splendid Things shared Life Lately
What we have been up to in the last few weeks. Family Birthdays, work, Parties….life in general!
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The Crafty Mummy shared Kids: Lego Marble Run
Keep the kids entertained by challenging them to build a tricky marble run with their Lego – mine are still playing with this one!
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Sweet Natured Kitchen shared Homemade Aribars
Like aribars, like LCM’s but none of rubbish and only 4 ingredients.
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Seeing the Lighter Side of Parenting shared Baby born. Baby not on Facebook. Is baby real?
My sister gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl recently. It took her over a week to announce it on Facebook. It felt quite surreal. What’s with that?
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This Charming Mum shared Why I Write (Blog Hop!)
I’ve been tagged in the Why I Write blog hop. Let me tell you how and why I do what I do!
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Pinky Poinker shared Standing on the Edge of Glory
Do you value the arts in your child’s education? Or would you prefer sport to take the front seat?
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Mumabulous shared Mojos MIA
Mumabulous ponders whether Dr Evil has dispatched Fat Bastard to steal her mojo.
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North Melbourne Mum shared I have done it!
I launched something that started out as just a notion, without it being fully ‘finalised’, and it has been so exciting.
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Kylie Ofiu shared Independence Day at the US Embassy, Canberra
I went to Independence Day celebrations at the American Embassy this year, meet an award winning chef and he’ll be showing me around New Orleans when I go in September.
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Have A Laugh On Me shared An interview that nearly ended in divorce!
This is quite possibly one of the WORST interviews I have ever conducted.
The person was aloof, a bit rude and tried to end the conversation after just two questions.
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You learn something new every day shared Beautiful moments
Beautiful moments my kids shared with me when they were under the weather.
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Mums on the Go shared Which travel cot is right for you?
As the mother of three young children, a keen traveller and camper I have tried a number of different travel cots over the past 6 years, searching for the ‘perfect’ one for our needs. This post is not a review of particular brands or models, rather it is an overview of the pros and cons of different styles of travel cot based on my experiences.
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The Bread And Butter Chef shared TimTam Cheesecake
TimTam Cheesecake recipe. It is so easy – no baking or gelatine required, yet it is so deliciously rich.
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The Thrifty Issue shared Pinata Cake
Looking for a different birthday cake surprise that is easy to make? Check out a pinata cake!
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She who Rambles shared Life with a Teenager
The good, the bad & the hilarious. What living with a teenager is really like.
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Simplify Create Inspire shared Simple Photo Editing Techniques for Photoshop
Edit your photographs in Photoshop Elements in a few quick steps. Simple, easy and it makes a huge difference.
Bake Play Smile shared Chocolate Crunchie Slice
Do you know someone who loves Crunchie bars?? Well this is the slice for them! Packed full of delicious honeycomb, this no-bake slice will have you coming back for more… and more!!!
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The Kids Menu shared 15 Tips to reduce fussy eating before your child turns 2
Did you know that babies can taste before they are even born?! It’s a pretty cool fact and is actually pretty useful when it comes to reducing fussy eating behaviours.
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Where the Wild Things Were shared Would the Minister for Women Please Stand Up
A plea to defend the defenceless, and for us to all try to change funding cuts to Women’s services in NSW
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Your Cheeky Monkey shared What do you need in a nappy bag for a newborn baby?
What are your essentials in your nappy bag for a newborn baby? I have listed mine down over at the blog.
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Two Little Humans and Me shared Conversations with Little Man Chase
After never knowing if my son would ever speak clearly, we now have a multitude of conversations.
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Happy Suburban Chick shared Winter Journaling
The cold winters days provide ideal conditions for me to curl up on my comfy chair and do some journaling.
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A Parenting Life shared And we are off!
The highly anticipated adventure of a life time has finally begun!
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McIntosh shared Making a Career Comeback
No matter how long you have taken out from the workforce it can be extremely daunting to get back into it. Here’s our Top 5 Tips to help parents make a Career Comeback.
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Talking Frankly shared Being appropriately elderly – a guide
How to be old properly
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Muvva shared How to explain pictures to a toddler
I love art. I live it and write about it. It’s different looking at art when you have a toddler in toe…this post is about our recent shenanigans at the gallery.
The Poppy Files shared Sneaky Peek : Speedy Boat
On a crisp winter weekend in Hobart, my family enjoyed a breakfast out, followed by a spin in my husband’s new boat to marvel at the beauty of our city!
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Mum in search shared Find the wisdom of your dreams
Tat @ Mum in search had her dreams interpreted and made positive life changes using the wisdom she received.
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My Midlife Mayhem shared Success, The Law of Attraction and Making Your Own Luck
This post is about teaching your kids that you need to be proactive to find ‘success’, however you view your own personal success. That it rarely comes to you without hard work, dedication and passion.
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With a Fork shared K is for Keeping it real
The types of stories I share hopefully reflect that my life isn’t perfect – and I don’t want it to be! I want to normalise what having a family is like!
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Allergysave shared Raspberry Banana Bread
Raspberry Banana Bread! This is a delicious recipe that is suitable for those who Gluten Free and with multiple food allergies.
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HandbagMafia shared Women Against Feminism- Why is this even a thing?
A response to the tumblr Women Against Feminism and a response to some of the posts it contains
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Caitlin’s Happy Heart shared Interview With My Husband
Talk to hubby in midst of fam life.
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The Climbing Tree shared Spinach & Feta No Kneed Sourdough
The simplest yet most delicious bread ever, pimped out with spinach and feta. Yeah!
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The post I’m most proud of is Mothering By Numbers
I dedicate it to anyone who’s ever bought an amber teething necklace.
You can find me on twitter and facebook.
If you’re a blogger and you’d like to be part of the supportive Digital Parents community, you can join here.
have you read a great post recently? hook me up!
Do you still have all the entries of your old blog – I bet it makes for an interesting read!!! Thanks for doing this, a labour of love I know x
Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Well done for getting this one, it’s a big job. Now I can look forward to a cup of tea and some weekend reading xx
Thank you for hosting! The list gets bigger each month!
Thanks for hosting Amanda. What a round up! Settling down to read with a coffee and cake, as you do.
Wow what a great list, my weekend reading is sorted, thanks for hosting!!
Huge list. Thanks for hosting! And thanks for your back story. Love learning about how people got into blogging, and their journey since starting.
Thank you for hosting! Great job! xoxox
Thanks so much for hosting, Amanda! And I’m so glad to hear DP is/was part of your blogging journey.x
It looks like a great list, thanks for having me!
Thanks so much for hosting this. I’m just about to read all the posts – such an eclectic mix!
Looks great! Thanks for hosting and sharing a bit more about you
Well done for putting all of this together. I’ll look forward to checking out some of the posts!