Did an Aerobics Oz-Style style work out with my friend Andrea. Laughed out loud when I mucked up my left and rights and was grateful no one was there to see.
Decided our Mums were probably onto something: if you’re uncoordinated, exercising in your own home has its advantages.
More cards and colouring in. Bearhands did groceries.
Acquiesced to the girls’ unending requests to bake in the afternoon. Instantly regretted my decision when they saw it as an opportunity to argue over every step.
It’s been a while since she made scones, but the Big Sister remembered that the scones should be placed so they support each other and rise. The metaphor would have been a teachable moment about life in the times of Corona, but I didn’t want to interrupt their argument. 😉
Life lesson #8: no good deed goes unpunished.
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