Our last Monday of home learning! I’d have skipped out to the school room save for my bung knee!
The Little Sister logged onto her zoom and joined her class in greeting their teacher “Gooood Mooooor-ning Mister Cooooooo-per, and Godddddd blessssss yoooou!”
\In another this-Monday-is-better-than-last-Monday, I remembered bin day. It says a lot about me as a person, that in a time when you can become internet famous for taking out the bin, I forgot last week.
The Little Sister did her every-Monday-morning-moan about this week’s creative writing task, but eventually settled on an idea and started writing.
Bit of an overcast day, so I made tinned tomato soup and cheese toast for the girls in first break.
We tackled maths in the middle session and science in the afternoon. I had a productive afternoon baking bread, washing clothes from the weekend and cooking dinner – butter chicken, coconut dahl, roti and papadums.
Watched the first half of the Lego Masters finale with my fingers and toes crossed for an old school friend who, with his team mate, stand to win a $100k. Taped the remainder of the episode, so the girls could go to sleep.
It started to rain lightly as I climbed into bed. Always a sound I’m grateful to hear. Hoped that Black Duck Creek was getting some now the hay is baled.
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