Quick note: yesterday a friend messaged and said how much the girls seem to be enjoying Distanced Ed. This is NOT the case. They hate isolation and wish, more than anything, that they could join the every increasing number of classmates at school.
The photos I share are mostly the high points of our day but there are plenty of low points. We have our fair share of tears, anguish and arguments.
So today’s post is two photos, one kid, one day: the high and the low points of Day 49.
I had some stern words with the Little Sister about her creative writing task during first session. Writing is a struggle every morning and she had tried every excuse under the sun before I laid down the law.
When she’d finally finished, we rode our bikes out to say hello to Daddy who was spreading fertiliser in the back paddock. I snapped the first photo during our ride.
We exercised together at smoko time. (When I say we exercised together, I mean that Bearhands and I trained while the Little Sister rode her bike precariously between the three of us.)
I went into town for my overdue monthly blood/urine checks monitoring for complications from the MS treatment I had some years ago. I skipped last month because I feared the risk of catching the virus more than the risk of undetected side effects. There was no one in the waiting room and I was grateful to get in and out quickly.
I steamed dumplings for lunch during second break (all part of the attempt to consume things from the freezer that was accidentally left open over the weekend.)
The Little Sister cracked her head monkeying around under the desk just as the last session was starting. It would have really hurt. I administered some medicinal skittles. She settled down to complete the grammar worksheet and I snapped the second photo.
After school we watched the Lego Masters episode we’d recorded. Then did a dash to the hardware shop for Bearhands.
Dinner was pork sausages, broccoli and cheese and super delicious corn on the cob. I’ve really missed choosing my own fruit and veg during isolation. I’m particular about my fresh produce and I’m often disappointed when I order a red capsicum and a sad, soft, small red impersonation arrives. So I was overjoyed when four super fresh cobs of corn which were exactly what I’d have chosen appeared in our online shop this afternoon.
Another early night for the Smyths. Just before bed I had a message to advise that my tests were all within healthy range, which is always a relief but especially so because I took a gamble skipping last month. Didn’t take much rocking.
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