After a fun weekend, Monday morning received the welcome it deserved. No one wanted to go to school, including the Principal. I told the girls they had to wear uniform tops, but could wear whatever they wanted on their bottom halves.
When we headed out to the school room, the Little Sister sooked and whinged about her writing assessment but eventually knuckled down and gotit done.
She and I went for a bike ride during brain break. We talked about our favourite seasons on the way. I’ve loved our little iso chats about things we would ordinarily never find the time to talk about. When we returned to the classroom I printed her spelling words for this week. “Germaphobia” is one of them. Ironically, the kid who once woke in the middle of the night to wash her hands, didn’t know the meaning!
Middle session saw the Big Sister learning decimal addition and the Little Sister trying to find real life examples of 3D shapes. Then we kicked the soccer ball around the paddock for PE.
I baked shortbread and ANZAC slice during second break. Knowing there were biscuits in the oven motivated the girls to knock over their last lessons quickly. I hadn’t seen Bearhands all day, but he magically appeared at my elbow as I pulled the ANZAC slice out of the oven. We ate slices while they were still warm.
Later, realising that I’d sampled both shortbread and ANZAC slice from the cooling rack, I pulled on my walking shoes and did a lap of the farm. The girls weren’t interested, but Max never turns down a walk. We spotted kangaroo prints on the track and the Whistling Duck family on the dam.
The Big Sister facetimed her Uncle to write the third chapter of a book they’re collaborating on.
Cool, cloudless night. I lit the fire and Bearhands came inside just after dark.
Dinner was spaghetti bolognaise from the freezer and we were all ready for an early kip when bedtime came around.
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