Woke and dressed in blue for May 8 – the day for remembering Australian teen Dolly Everett.
High drama in the school room when the internet continually dropped out while the Little Sister’s teacher described how to undertake the maths test. She was borderline meltdown by the time we received her teacher’s reply email explaining the process. The maths test was an non-event by comparison, although I will say the medium was harder than the subject matter.
Finished first session early and took the girls inside for the most delicious toasted sandwiches I have had in years – chicken, cheese, cracker pepper and homemade sourdough.
Just before midday I took my crunchy neck to my sport masseuse. The first time I’m turned right at the end of my road for eight weeks. Beerwah all still appears to be there and I left feeling centimetres taller.
Returned home to the news that one of the workers had spotted a tiny bird in the back paddock, which was now residing in a bucket in the school room. The Little Sister had become quite attached to the little tyke in the half hour he’d been in her care and wasn’t keen on my plan for returning him to his parents, but she eventually came around when I played the “how much I would be missing you” card.
In the car ride to the back paddock, I learned that the bird’s name was Sebastian. Named in honour of the wombat who lived in a hat, save our Sebastian lives in a bucket. We found a tree close to where Sebastian was found and propped his bucket up as high as we could reach, in the hope that his parents could come and claim him.
Last session of school saw the Little Sister frustrated by technology and emailing her teacher again. At 3pm I called it. We weren’t finished but we could have continued fighting the internet for hours and not made any progress.
Spoke with my brother on the phone while he drove home from work, and discussed the Premier’s relaxation of some of the social distancing limitations. Planned a visit for the next few weeks.
At sunset Bearhands and I drove out to check on Sebastian. I purposely didn’t take the girls because I didn’t have high hopes for a happy ending and suspected the girls were a bit fragile for dealing with a dead bird. To my unexpected joy, I discovered Sebastian had left the bucket. It made me much happier than I’d anticipated. Perhaps the girls aren’t the only fragile ones around.
Made an abundance of Indian for dinner. These past few weeks I’ve concentrated on making things last and stretching our food out; but my last few food orders have included flour and paper towel. Feeling more confident about being able to buy things we need, so I felt a bit like my old self as I made butter chicken, coconut curry prawns, dahl, roti and pappadums. I hope I’m right, because I cooked the last of the rice. 😉
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