Realised at 2am that Bearhands wasn’t beside me, got up to investigate and found him asleep on the couch watching reruns of vintage golf.
Neither of us was ready when his alarm went off early. He set about showering as loudly as physically possible and making such a mess of the floor that I did an impression of Torvill on my way to the toot.
The Big Sister’s mood continues. At breakfast she accused me of offering her the thing she hates THE MOST. Which I thought was pretty unfair, I’d already thought of and dismissed two other options which she’s not into.
There was a carry on about a hair brush and then I hunted the kids out the door at 8.29am. Looked up the driveway and was rewarded with the brightest rainbow spread over our “school.”
School was uneventful. Although I will say other things are slipping as a result of home learning. At the end of a long day of correcting punctuation and pushing them to complete their work, I no longer have the energy nor the inclination to argue with them over music practice. Figure they’ll catch it up when things go back to normal.
After school the girls argued about lego, the Big Sister came to complain to me about a hat stuck on the wrong head and I told her I didn’t want to hear it. She sat down next to me and told me how much she dislikes our current situation and I told her what a great job I think she’s doing of making the best of it. It was like some switch flicked in her and she immediately returned to her helpful, courteous self. She happily came to collect kindling with me. We chatted and later she volunteered to empty the dishwasher. I rewarded her change of heart with her favourite – gnocchi for dinner. Have been reflecting since then; is all she needed some praise instead of criticism from me? Will be more careful about the balance going forward.
Bearhands worked at the other farm until dark. I text him to ask for more wood when he came inside. Apparently he had to reread the message several times – he’d suspected I meant to type another four letter word starting with w – wine!
Dinner for the adults was more prawns, this time turned into tacos with homemade yoghurt flatbread and Mexican street corn. The fridges and freezers are looking a bit empty so I thought it pretty tasty for a MacGyver feed.
Bearhands and I rubbed a brisket before bed – that’s not a euphemism – Energex are turning the power off tomorrow, so with no school to supervise I’ll do dinner in the smoker.
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