The Little Sister did a video conference with her class, then I took the girls to school to collect the things they’ll need to start Term 2 from home.
Think it started to sink in for them that this is not a quick fix situation.
They acted out a bit in the afternoon. Big emotions for small people.
The girls started some craft projects that will hopefully ward off boredom in the coming weeks. I attempted to resurrect an old crochet project, but discovered I’d sent the right-sized hook to Brisbane with Mum last week.
Walked by myself and listened to the My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast. Had to stop walking because I was laughing so hard at some points.
Played Pacman, Space Invaders and Pinball with the kids in the shed.
The Little Sister helped make chermoula steak with carrot, currant and walnut salad for dinner. She thinks we were spending quality time, but there was also a bit of hidden maths. 😉
Will make sure to spend a half an hour each day one-on-one with the girls for the foreseeable future.
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