Opened my eyes and immediately remembered we have three days off school!
Made a coffee and discovered that when I’m not a schoolmarm I’m a forklift driver. Grabbed an apple and got in the cab.
Bearhands and I worked until smoko, when the girls received a home donut delivery as a reward for their maths challenge.
At lunchtime we loaded the caravan and drove to our friends’ farm. They’d said we could camp down the creek to give the girls a change of scenery. Felt like naughty school kids as we dragged the van along the forestry track from our farm to theirs.
Shared a few socially distant drinks across the fire. Filled myself with Guinness and found myself not very hungry at dinner.
Discovered the van battery was dead after dark. Suggested we just drive home, but Bearhands insisted we stay.
Stared at the fire until it was bedtime. Took the kids off to bed and wondered if we’d be warm enough. Found that four bodies warm a small space eventually.
Woke in the middle of the night for a wee and discovered a clear, moonless sky decorated with millions of stars. Stargazed and listened to what I suspect was a Boobook Owl love triangle. Was grateful Bearhands had decided we should stick it out.
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