The morning started innocuously enough. The girls ate the breakfast, the Little Sister heeded nature’s call, then a blood curdling scream!!!
The Little Sister’s howls inspired my mind to paint a number of horrifying visuals in the time it took me to reach her and establish she’d dropped a lego figurine down the toilet as it was flushing. Worse still, it wasn’t actually *her* figurine, she’d been secretly playing with her sister’s lego.
This revelation lead to a different kind of wailing and stomping from my eldest daughter. Eventually everyone took a breath. The Little Sister swore a blood oath to replace the missing man (who was actually an aggregate of two figurines). Meanwhile the Big Sister insisted that she needn’t bother. This continued ad nauseam until I declared it must end for my already-borderline sanity.
Headed off to school, where the Big Sister tackled grammar while the Little Sister did a fraction exam.
Argued with the Big SIster about compound verbs. She insisted the answer to 3(e) was “still going” I insisted it must be “was going”. Suggested she email her teacher and ask. Mrs McWilliam replied letting me know that I pass Year Six English – huzzah!
Meanwhile the fraction exam was providing troublesome. The Little Sister knew the answers, but drawing/writing her answers on the screen proved time consuming and messy. She finished just in time to join disrupt Bearhands’ PT.
Worked hard during the PT session to atone for the previous night’s Chinese takeaway and champagne. Showered afterwards and ate a healthy lunch.
Middle session was a bit of a non-event, the girls knocked their work over quickly and we headed to second break early.
And that’s when it started. A terrible stabbing pain in my chest. It went straight from my sternum to my back. It came in waves. It made it hard to think. I couldn’t sit still or lay down. I took an antacid tablet and it started to ease off after thirty minutes, which was a huge relief. At the worst of it, I googled “am I having a heart attack?” but I didn’t want to be the girl who cried angina!
The last session was uneventful – both scholastically and health-wise. The girls had a quick break while I set up for the Little Sister’s first online guitar lesson. Eventually settled on the bucket-atop-step stool model so our teacher could see our fingers as well as our faces.
Took it easy in the evening. The girls had sausages and veg for dinner while Bearhands and I had iso tapas*
*iso tapas = little bits of leftovers amassed to form a meal.

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