A better day. The Little Sister settled down to work easily. After English we rode our bikes out to the dam for a brain break.
The Big Sister completed her work early and headed back to the house to play. I did some work in the office and apparently inspired the Little Sister’s desire to touch type. She found a particularly annoying online typing program and set about practicing a-s-d-a on repeat.
Bearhands collected my online grocery order just before lunch and returned triumphantly brandishing eight double length loo rolls and sushi for lunch.
I had a zoom meeting with the school principals and other parents who are schooling their kids at home. The take home message was if things are going really bad, the prioritise family harmony over fractions or french (both of which we tackled in second session).
The Postman brought a new training collar for Max. Enjoyed the delicious irony that the bloke who’s inspired Max’s recent hatred also delivered the method for which to treat the condition.
Spotted a gorgeous green frog on our way “home from school.”
Then a message from a farming mate, her husband was coming to talk turf with Bearhands and she was tagging along. Cannot tell you how excited I was to see adult humans that I’m not related to/don’t employ!
They arrived bearing baked goods for the girls and a bottle of bubbles for the Mums. Soni home schooled her kids in the days before the internet, so we compared notes and drowned our sorrows while the boys toured the paddocks.
Take away Chinese from our local “The Pineapple Patch” for dinner. I love to cook, but not cooking is pretty awesome too.
Truly a #happyathome day in isolation.
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