I’ve often reflected that isolation has made me a better mum. I’m been empathetic to their situation, I’ve spent time doing things they want me to do instead of rushing them from one activity to the next. This was not the case this morning.
When the Little Sister faffed about with her writing, I cajoled her. When she didn’t want to do the assigned task, I encouraged her to put it aside, move onto the next thing, and circle back to it later. Even my normally successful skittle motivators failed.
Finally when she gave me some comprehension to mark and it said “I don’t know. I’m just guna say something” I cracked. I raised my voice for the first time in our “classroom”. She shouted. She cried. She doesn’t want to do this! It isn’t fair!
We had a cuddle. Then the Big SIster turned the video off in her zoom and gave her sister a cuddle too.
We used Bearhands PT as PE again. Really enjoyed the beat up. Which is incredibly out of character and further evidence that nothing is sure in this crazy COVID19 world.
I served at hot lunch in the school room, because we exercised through first break.
It flogged down rain during the afternoon. Dressed the Little Sister in a poncho for a run to the the shed toilet. We did more fractions, then finally circled back to the work we missed this morning. The last session was punctuated by a call from the girls’ aunties and new cousin Claudia.
In the late afternoon, the girls zoomed their mates.
I showered early and dressed in jeans and a pretty top in an unsuccessful effort to lighten my mood.
Went to the fridge to pour myself a wine, realised it was only 4.15pm resigned myself back to my office and caught up on the farm stuff that is lacking now I’m the full time principal of Distanced Ed.
Dinner was Greek-style feta meatballs with penne and green beans. The news mentioned that a number of children who’ve had the novel corona virus have gone onto develop Kawasaki disease. As a child I was very crook with a random bug and went onto develop Kawasaki. It was NOT cool. Felt sorry for the little tykes.
Not our best day of Distanced Ed. Trying to think of ways to brighten the mood around here but drawing a blank. Conscious that cabin fever is contagious.
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