Was lying awake when the alarm went off. Rounded up the troops and we assembled around the flag pole to listen to the last post and sing the National Anthem. The girls laid the wreath that we’d made.
Both my parents have served in the Armed Forces. Mum was a WRAN (back when the women had their very own branch of the Navy) and Dad was a pilot in RAAF until he transferred to QANTAS. Later over lunch Dad would share that he was the fifth generation of his family to serve.
Afterwards they drew poppies and love hearts in the dew in the paddock, after a plane flew over the Big Sister spelled out ANZAC for any further passes overhead.
Bearhands suggested we retire to Uncle Davo’s Hill for a Moreton Bay Porridge (rum and milk). A kookaburra perched overhead, mist rose from the dam, Tibrogargan was lit by the morning sun and it was breathtakingly beautiful.
After breakfast Mum and I started on a new crochet project I’ve been wanting to start but needed some coaching on. Bearhands worked and Dad set about finding the vegetables in my weed patch.
Mum and Dad arranged to visit my 96 year old Nanna at her nursing home. At 11am the staff wheeled her to the balcony and she spoke with Mum and Dad on the phone.
The Little Sister asked me to build lego with her, so I put my crochet down and discovered that “helping her” meant fishing out the pieces required and watching while she built it. I felt superfluous to proceedings, but afterwards she thanked me and said what fun it had been.🤷♀️
In the afternoon I made lasagna for dinner, the kids didn’t want to make ANZAC Biscuits despite me having sent Bearhands to the shops for rolled oats.
Late afternoon saw a large scale Hide and Seek challenge between Nan and the girls. Nan proved to be the champion after climbing under the house and laying on her stomach to avoid detention!
Asked the kids about their favourite part of the day over dinner, the Little Sister said it had been drawing in the dew and riding on the back of the motorbike with her dad.
As I climbed into bed I thought about the care packages we posted earlier this month and hoped that the ten recipients were feeling the love all the way from Glass House Mountains.
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