The girls climbed into bed with me early and we discussed the exciting news that there had again been no new cases detected in Queensland yesterday. I also explained that NSW are considering sending kids back to school one day per week. We talked about what that might look like if it happened to us.
The Big Sister is studying scientific method – a topic I adore. Of course my help is NOT required. Lucky for her, I don’t always do as I’m bode by my eleven year old overlord and I stepped in just before she started an experiment about rusting with stainless steel roofing screws. 😉
The Little Sister struggled to apply herself during the first session. She wriggled and then declared her office chair too soft. Swapped her chair for a plastic number. This was found to be too hard. The chair at school, of course, is just right. Goldilocks then started shouting about not wanting to do writing, being unable to find inspiration, and that it was all my fault for keeping them home.
Then she cried. She cried about not wanting to do school this way. She cried about not being able to see her friends. She cried about missing Nan. We cuddled. Then she cuddled her sister, who I heard whisper about it not being my fault and about it not lasting forever.
Decided to rally the troops with the promise of dumplings for lunch if they buckled down and got their work done. The Little Sister found her groove and we finished first session.
Second session brought maths for both girls and a few hiccups with logins. The Little Sister and I eventually gave up and did some times tables.
Picked up a rum bottle out of the recycling and monkeyed around pretending to look in the bottom of it for my desire to continue home schooling. Sent a picture to my Mum who immediately replied that if I couldn’t find it in the bottom of a rum bottle, I should try looking in the bottom of a gin bottle. She gives good advice.
When 3pm finally rolled around the kids were happy for some down time, then they changed out of their uniforms and we set about painting the egg carton poppies for our ANZAC Day wreath. I honestly thought the days of egg carton craft were behind me.
Life lesson #30: don’t count your chickens when it comes to egg carton craft.
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