Rough night. The Little Sister kicked her toe on the way to the toilet in the middle of the night and needed everyone to know. Then my MS Squeeze climbed into bed and wouldn’t let up.
Discovered we were out of milk. Broke out the powdered milk (goodness the smell evokes childhood memories and not the good ones!)
The Big Sister slept late so I found myself hunting them toward the office come 8.25am. They made it in time for their zoom roll calls.
Listening to the Little Sister’s teacher take the Year Three roll reminded me of Romper Room. “And I can see Harriet, good morning Harriet!” Checked my own email and discovered that he’d been checking student’s work and leaving encouraging voice comments at 7.30 last night. The Little Sister later played me the messages and I felt grateful for his cheerful, encouraging tone to help keep her invested today.
Shut the office doors and windows to try to keep the farm/workshop noise/stinkhorn funk to a minimum. The girls both got stuck into English first up. Didn’t let their initial enthusiasm lull me into a false sense of security today though.
I exercised with Bearhands until all the bending over combined with lack of sleep and made me giddy.
At first break I noticed that the clouds in the sky looked like fireworks. Maths went much more smoothly today too. The Big Sister learned to take her own pulse, then graphed her recovery rate. If only all curves flattened that quickly!
Forgetting the milk situation, I made myself a cup of tea, had a few sips, then poured it down the sink.
After the Little Sister finished we walked out to watch our two harvesters working in the same paddock. Then the girls played lego.
When Bearhands knocked off, I borrowed his ute and did a mercy dash into town for bread and milk. I haven’d been to the shops since we packed our ANZAC care packages on 2 April.
Home to discover that Bearhands had invited some friends to watch the sunset from the back paddock. We sat in camp chairs and discussed where we would have been if not for the pandemic. The girls had races along the irrigation bays. Eventually the mozzie chased us inside.
Dinner was chicken kiev with carrot and parsnip chips.
Then I navigated the fine line between going to bed early/too early with a cup of tea made with real milk!

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