Was surprised to learn it was Friday. Only realised when I checked my email and the weekly report was waiting for me.
Made the girls space ship eggs for breakfast.
The Big Sister played lego and the Little Sister watched TV. When the Little Sister eventually gravitated to the lego they fought and I sent them to different locations outside.
After they cooled down I headed down to the basketball hoop and passed the ball with the Little Sister for a while. She asked me about my favourite season and told me about hers. We’re having so many more little chats like this now I’m not rushing her out the door to school/soccer/music.
She showed me how she’d been doing push ups to tire herself out for a better kip tonight. (She does a very cute push up!)
I practiced guitar. Without regular appointments with my beloved guitar teacher Bob, I haven’t picked it up as often as I would normally. Played until my fingers were sore. (Clearly I lack Bryan Adam’s commitment to his craft.)
Hot day. We had intended to put the crab pots in the creek, but got a few last minute orders, so put that off til tomorrow.
Late afternoon swim in a very cool pool. I’m not very good at ‘playing’ – refer previous LOL critique. But I embraced the silly and really played with the girls – like my Mum would if she were here. I rescued one who was held hostage by the other, I plucked the other from her sister’s clutches just before she was dipped in monster saliva. I used my army of trained evil dolphins to entrap them both.
Then the Big Sister (who has no access to instagram) suggested the Little Sister do a slow motion hair flick which is the most instagram influencer thing I’ve ever filmed.
Lit the fire again. Was just about to sit down for a beer with Bearhands when he was called away to an irrigation emergency at a friend’s farm. The problem couldn’t be solved, so fishing is off for tomorrow too. Disappointing – I was looking forward to a change of scenery.
My Sisters-in-law facetimed to let me know the blanket that I crocheted for my baby niece had arrived. Was wonderful to see them as a family.
Took the kids into the backyard to watch the ISS fly over. Figured the return of astronauts from ISS could have been today’s science lesson, but cloud thwarted my plans and the mozzies chased us back inside.
Dinner was a fish fry up. Took a rum back outside to my fire after tea. Put it on the ground to make sure I didn’t drink it too quickly. Heard a funny sound in the dark and realised Max was lapping my drink. Didn’t have to worry about drinking my rum too quickly after that. The thought of rum and dog slobber on the rocks made me concentrate on every sip. Bearhands joined me and we sat in the dark for a bit, judiciously guarding our drinks.
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