After breakfast the girls and I walked over to our neighbours’ property to see a poddy calf they have in the house yard. Found it standing precariously in a raised garden bed. Figured that’s the bovine equivalent of what we’ll experience when school goes back next week – kids will do what they’re not supposed to the moment our backs are turned.
Walked home and the Big Sister and I had a disagreement about whether her learning to use the pink toothpick skateboard we’ve had in the shed for yonks is a good idea. I said she could if she wore wrist and elbow guards. She decided she’d rather sit on it than wear the Disney princess themed protective gear that was saveur du mois when the skateboard was first acquired.
She was further put out when I informed her that setting up a lemonade stand at the farm gate would not comply with social distancing recommendations. She found a recipe and made a glass for Bearhands instead. Found three lemons on the bench when she was finished. Think the sides of his mouth are still recovering.
Bearhands and I worked out – i.e. he lifted heavy things and put them down again, while I lifted much lighter things and put them down again.
The postman arrived around lunchtime, bringing two big boxes with him. Bearhands carried them inside with a look on his face that said “what the bloody hell have you bought now?” I immediately recognised one box as the new winter jacket we bought him, but I had no idea what was in the other box. Wondered what in blazers I’d bought after too many savs on the couch. Held my breath and let the girls open the box. MINECRAFT LEGO!
Turned to Bearhands and mouthed “I did not order this.” Looked closer at the sticker on the box and discovered that my seventy year old Mum has mastered online shopping and sent the girls a surprise package to keep them amused in isolation. I could have cried. Such an unexpected act of love. I miss my folks. Can’t wait til they are up here so often I’m wondering if they remember the way home.
Then Bearhands did the groceries. Still no flour, so limited baking regime continues.
Lots of lego in the afternoon. The Big Sister and I played basketball then I recorded another video for the Isolation Diaries documentary I’m taking part in.
The Big Sister, Bearhands and I joined forces to make Lamb Meatballs with Mediterranean Couscous Salad for dinner.
When bedtime came the Little Sister couldn’t sleep. Vowed to make sure to wear her out tomorrow.
How is everyone holding up?
A x
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