Woke in my swag with a headache. Wandered down to watch the mist rise off the creek. Rolled my swag up and headed home.
At smoko I remarked to the Big Sister that a friend’s school were insisting their children wear their sports uniform to home schooling. Much eleven year old eye rolling.
Reluctantly made a pallet stencil that Bearhands has been asking me to do for days. Found myself uncharacteristically ticked off when I later discovered he’d “fixed” my horse.
By lunchtime the email came from school detailing arrangements for term 2 of distanced ed. The girls will be expected to be sitting at their computers at 8.30am for roll call *in full school uniform*.
Classes will run exactly as they do at school and the girls will be expected to be present for the entire day. This was a surprise. I thought I’d be able to get them to knuckle down for a few hours and then they’d be free to do their own thing. Found myself simultaneously:
1) alarmed at how I can provide a learning environment where neither will disturb the other for an entire school day.
2) relieved that I won’t need to find 6 hours of enriching activities to fill the remainder of the day.
Seems I’m not alone in my apprehension – saw a meme that said “it may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a vineyard to homeschool one.”
Late afternoon ping pong and family irrigation session. Watching the Little Sister drive off in the gator all by herself was a moment. Am sure Max is grateful to have someone as enthusiastic about gator rides as he is.
Dinner was chicken burgers and sweet potato chips. Dropped the tray of chips on the oven door. Added ‘clean oven’ to tomorrow’s to-do list.
Took myself off to bed early. Sure swags are awesome, but have you tried beds?

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