Woke to the news that Tim Brooke-Taylor had died of corona virus in the UK. Felt terribly sad. My best friend and I travelled to Melbourne to meet him in our twenties. I remember him to be genuine, funny and humble and surprised that Australian’s even remembered the Goodies after all this time.
The free promotion period for my cookbook finished overnight. It’s been downloaded hundreds of times all over the globe which makes me happy. If you downloaded a copy, will you please pop back to Amazon and leave a review?
Bearhands and I worked in the morning, giving the girls unfettered access to all the screens.
As I drove the forklift out to the loading back to collect the first load of pallets, I spotted a pair of Whistling Ducks with half a dozen tiny ducklings. Think they must have hatched Easter Sunday. New life amid the sadness.
Was about 2/3 through our work when I caught one of my forks on a tree root and tipped half a pallet of turf onto the ground. My confidence was instantly erased and anxiety rode shotgun for the rest of the morning. Her voice in my head is unnecessarily critical.
Lunch was leftovers served with a side of new photos of our newborn niece. The Little Sister and I learned the sign for ‘cute baby’ then discovered that it was National AUSLAN Day.
Somewhere in there the Premier announced that school would be open to children of essential workers next week, the rest of the students will be schooled from home. Meaning the girls and I will recommence Distanced Ed next week. Cue much wailing (theirs) and gnashing of teeth (mine).
Lit the fire again in the afternoon. The Big Sister’s ping pong proficiency has vastly improved in the past 24 hours. The same cannot be said of mine.
Adults zoomed their mates in the early evening. Spag Bol for dinner with rigatoni I bought in my very last shop – a month ago now. I state this purely for the purpose of documenting the day – I hate it when the wealthy flaunt their riches. 😉
The Big Sister was upset again at bedtime. She’s missing her friends and is disappointed that her opportunity to be school captain is slipping away. Tried to reassure her that, once resumed, school will try to fit more into the second half of the year. I pray that I’m right and that opportunities are the only things we miss when all this is over.
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