Worked in the morning. Then exercised with Bearhands. Still not feeling working out with him is #couplegoals.
Gained altogether too much satisfaction from beating my Mum in a game of online scrabble. Am not a good person.
In the afternoon, we gave the girls a driving lesson. At the beginning of the year, the Big Sister said learning to drive a manual car was her new years resolution. So Bearhands took her out in the paddock and she did a great job in the little work ute. The Little Sister practiced driving the Gator. All that time in the driver’s seat of the buggy has paid off – she took to it like a duck to water.
My cookbook finally became free on Amazon at 5pm. The process hasn’t been simple and it’s the product of loads of time (and a little bit of $) this week. I’m only allowed to make it free for a few days, but if you’d like it, it’s yours until Monday. (The link is in the comments or search Cooker and a Looker on Amazon in your country).
We had a Smyth family Gin and Tonic session on Zoom. Great to see their friendly faces and to hear how they’ve been filling their days.
Dinner was salmon with baked Cannellini beans and tuscan herbs. Pink fish is always a big hit at our place.
After dinner Bearhands asked me to sign him up as a member of Queensland’s Care Army – helping delivery groceries etc to people who are self isolating. Reminded me of a saying Mum used to say “if you want something done, ask a busy person”. 🥰
Life Lesson #17: It doesn’t matter how big they get, watching your babies tick off milestones tugs at the heartstrings.
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