Woke up determined that the girls spend their day being creators (rather than consuming content on TV/screens). That lasted until 10.30am when I wanted to keep them off the freshly mopped floors.
Bearhands and I exercised together. For the record I think Exercise-Together Dean and Amanda are the worst versions. I much prefer the Eating/Drinking together set which comes with a red-checked tablecloth, an ice bucket and glasses you can’t prise from their hands.
After lunch the sisters zoomed their school friends on my laptop and I eavesdropped while I did some housework nearby. (The Little Sister’s mate is the Deputy Principal’s daughter so you can’t be too careful! 😉)
Another trip to the Post Office to send a cookbook and some more of the girls’ letters. (We wear antlers to the Post Box now 🤷♀️)
The Big Sister made dinner – beef ragu with Parmesan gremolata – so I guess at least one of them created something.
After dinner we spoke with Bearhands’ folks who phoned because they’d received the card the girls sent last week.
The Big Sister was sad about isolating at bed time, I reminded her that her actions had made other isolated people happy today.
The Little Sister (who is too afraid to sleep in her own room at the moment) grumbled when we came to sleep because Bearhands’ snoring was going to keep her awake. I used uncharacteristic self control and didn’t suggest she try isolating in her own room.
If I was further along in my AUSLAN studies I might have been able to sign it frantically in the dark. Will be knuckling down tomorrow.
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