The girls finished their notes to Australian Defence Members then we packed our ANZAC Day care packages.
I noticed a Wedge-tailed Eagle whirling over the farm at smoko.
The Little Sister and I learned more Auslan (although she insists that she knew all of that already, so it’s only new to me) *insert Auslan sign for drink here*.
In the afternoon we broke isolation to go to the Post Office and send off the care packages and a few non-standard letters.
The Post Master handed the Big Sister the stamps, she looked at them, I told her to stick them onto the letters and she looked at me.
“Tear them apart, then put them on the top right corner of the envelope” I said.
“How do I get them to stick?” she asked.
“Just lick them then stick them on.”
“Well that’s a bit germy, isn’t it?” she announced to the other appropriately distanced Australia Post customers.
After we left the Post Office, she spotted a Praying Mantis on a bollard in the car park, I knew it would be more comfortable in the garden on the other side of the road, so I offered it my finger.
Of course, the Mantis saw this as an opportunity to take up residence in my hair and neither of my brave daughters would help me extract my new adornment.
Refer previous Life Lessons: no good deed goes unpunished.
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