Ever wondered what really happens when Daddy’s home alone with the kids?
I’ve always had my suspicions. But at the end of the day, if they’re fed and happy and D’s not getting all Jude Law with the Nanny (oh wait, we don’t have a Nanny); I’m all for it.
Last night while we were sitting on the couch, something on the net made me laugh.
D asked, so I showed him this.
D laughed.
No, he said.
You’ve got it all wrong, he said.
Our daughter looks like this!
I laughed so hard, tears ran down my leg!
Image credits – here and here
That was funny good on you Dean
How did I know you’d be on his side 🙂
It’s funny because it’s so true!
I know Catherine, that’s why I laughed when I saw it initially. I just didn’t expect a reenactment!
OMG I love it! I’m off to find my own kids to do the same. One has particularly chubby cheeks so it should be awesome. Thanks for providing my daily pelvic floor testing laugh!
D’s attempts on the Big Sister were not as effective – let me know if you experience the same!
Just figured out what I’m doing tonight. Now if I could just combine the face squeezing with gaffa tape….
I await a photo! Thanks for visiting, I’ve checked out your blog and it’s very funny. Expect to see me lurking there from now on!
Bahaha! That’s funny. I saw the same picture on facebook this week, those humorous pics sure get around don’t they! And I love your hubby’s take on it. Too cute!
Visiting via FYBF and I think this is the first time I’ve been here. How do you do? 🙂
Hi Lisa, nice to meet you. I’m loving finding great new blogs on FYBF. I’ve just liked you on fb – so I look forward to keeping up with your posts. Thanks for visiting.
Bwahahaha! That’s so hilarious! Nothing like an adorable squashed face. Your husband sounds like he’s about as cheeky as mine 🙂
Thanks Grace, and thanks for hosting FYBF – I’ve found so many new and very funny blogs to follow.
Love it. Make sure you drag that one out at her 21st birthday or when she brings home her first boyfriend. Its the kind of photo that just keeps on giving.
Love Mumabulous
Is it wrong to stockpile these? Our girls might be living at home in their forties!!
love it!! that was really funny.
Look at those cheeks!
Hi! Thanks for popping by – I love your blog. I’ve just followed you on fb. Look forward to more great photography tips!
Gorgeous! So you can leave him to baby sit without any concern 🙂
Hello! Thanks for visiting. I’ve just checked out your blog and loved your post about Tiger Mummies – I’ve liked you on fb and look forward to seeing more Mummy Swaps. 🙂
haha… I so want to try this.. (and Im the mum) but i want to try it on my 5 year old!!
Your hubby sounds like a funny man! xx